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HomeNewsChildren, Adults Who Are Pregnant And Seniors Most At Risk Of Influenza...

Children, Adults Who Are Pregnant And Seniors Most At Risk Of Influenza Virus

Northern Health is reminding people to get vaccinated for this years flu season.

The Public Health Agency of Canada estimated that the flu causes about 3,500 deaths each year in Canada alone.

Northern Health officer Dr. Andrew Gray explains who’s at risk the most.

“It’s likely in people who have any chronic medical conditions, like heart disease or lung disease, as well as people who are over the age of 65. It’s a virus that spreads quite easily, it’s a virus that spreads before any symptoms are even visible.”

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A health survey from Statistics Canada says 58 per cent of Canadians don’t think the flu shot is necessary.

Dr. Gray responded to that saying to certain extent it’s a matter of personal preference.

“It depends on what their concern is. Some people have a presumption that the flu vaccines is not effective. For example they may have got a flu vaccine and got sick anyway. It’s true the flu vaccine is not 100 per cent, that would be great, but it is on an average season 60 per cent effective.”

He adds some people may not get the flu every year, but it doesn’t hurt to take extra precaution to make sure the virus doesn’t spread to those who are vulnerable.

Flu shots are available for free to a wide range of people who are at high risk or could spread the virus, this means all children from six months to five years of age, people 65 years of age and older and adults including pregnant women.

To find the nearest flu clinic you can click here

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