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HomeNewsRCMP Safety Tips For Halloween Night

RCMP Safety Tips For Halloween Night

Kids will be out in full force tomorrow night to gather as much candy as they can on Halloween night.

The RCMP want to remind parents about some of the dangers associated with kids running around trick or treating.

Corporal Craig Douglass says he encourages parents to stay with their kids because of how dark it gets at this time of year.

“We do want to emphasize wearing reflective clothing. Particularly bright clothing sometimes is even hard to see when it’s not reflective, but now you can get glow sticks and flash lights those sorts of things pretty easily and pretty cheaply. So we defiantly encourage that.”

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Also be aware of going from house to house Douglass adds.

“Don’t zig-zag across the street, instead go down one side and come back the other if possible when trick or treating.”

Douglass says it’s very rare that there are problems during Halloween night.

A release from the BC Children’s Hospital also provided tips when it comes to candy, stating that you should check all treats before anyone eats it and to look for any unsealed or broken wrappers.

The RCMP will have extra patrols out to ensure the safety of everyone taking part in the event.

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